2011 CAL-ED Conference Presentation
"Balancing Bilingualism: New Effective Strategies for ASL and English Academic and Communicative Language Proficiency"
Handouts and Rubrics:
Contact Us:
- Link to contact Amy Pelletier and Alexander Zernovoj for more information: http://zernovoj.blogspot.com/p/email-me.html
- Brochure (Descriptive) Project Guide and Rubric
- Final Exam
- Fine and Performing Art Project
- Five Senses Poem Handouts and Rubric
- Flash Card Sheet
- Historical Event Writing Project
- More Practice with Topics and Controlling Ideas
- Novel-based Board Game Rubric
- Novel-based Project Ideas
- Rubric - Book Review
- Rubric - Comparison of Historical Records for a Single Event
- Rubric - Expository Essay
- Rubric - Multimedia Presentation: School Tour
- Rubric - PowerPoint/Tri-fold Poster Evaluation
- Rubric - Public Speaking Presentation
- Rubric - Speaking and Listening Student Self-Assessment Checklist
- Tall Tales: All About Them
Sample student work:
- Book review
- Fables
- Investigating urban legends
- Job description
- Letter to next year's class
- School magazine
- Travel brochure
- http://www.voicethread.com/for video essays, narratives, expository and persuasive vlogs
- http://1001booksinasl.blogspot.com/ for comparison of signed word for word and literal/free ASL translations
- http://www.signingsavvy.com/, http://www.aslpro.com/ and http://www.lifeprint.com/ for video ASL dictionaries
- http://www.asltales.net/guide-deaf.html or http://research.gallaudet.edu/Presentations/2008-10-01.ppt for more information on ASL Guided Viewing
- http://zernovoj.blogspot.com/p/links-resources.html for other general teaching and learning resources